ICE and HHMI Poster Session

Date and time: Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 2:00pm

The Institute for Cellular Engineering and the HHMI Undergraduate
Science Program are hosting a poster session to showcase
interdisciplinary science research conducted by 24 undergraduate
students participating in the ICE REU program and the HHMI
Undergraduate Science Program Summer Research Internship. These
students have been working with UMass faculty in research labs in a
variety of departments during the summer session. The ICE and HHMI
programs culminate with a poster session where students have the
opportunity to showcase their findings to the broader UMass Scientific
Community. This event is free and open to the public. Light
refreshments will be served.

When: Friday, July 30, 2010
Where: 10th Floor Campus Center
Time: 10am-12pm