RootflowRT v.2.8


Imaging for RootflowRT v.2.8


Input Image Requirements

Images should be in .tif or .ppm format, contain 8-bit gray scale values and 640x480up to 1200x1600 in dimension. Roots are imaged as overlapping stacks of image frames throughout the tip to the maturation zone or as a single stack of just one region such as the root tip. Overlapping between stacks should be at least 20% of the field of view. Each image stack must contain 9 frames or images such that every frame in a stack is taken at precise time intervals as choosen by the user.


Input Image File Names

The software expects the image files to be named according to precise conventions. In particular, the images should be named Stack00xxFrame00yy with or without filename extension such as .tif or .ppm. For example, a root may be imaged with 5 overlapping stacks with frames taken every 15s. In this case, the image files can be:












Mosaic Method Between Overlapping Stacks

This refers to the process of blending together the velocity profiles of each of the individual stacks into one complete velocity profile for the entire root. There are two ways this can be executed:


1)     Moving a precise fixed distance between every stack with an inchworm device such as provided by EXFO Burleigh Products Group, Inc.


2)     Taking a highly textured image of the background after the 9th frame and naming it Stack00xxBack 0001 eg.Stack0006Back 0001.tif. At this time, the space in the filename is required. If you are imaging on agar plates, the use of graphite or sand very near, but not on the root throughout the imaged region is desirable. 



Image Quality

The software’s ability to make accurate motion estimation is integrally dependent on image quality. Good images have a histogram that is spread out and there is good focus throughout the root.


Fairly Good Root Image:

Motion Mask Image


Resulting Velocity Profile





Very Poor Root Image:

Motion Mask Image


Resulting Velocity Profile