RootflowRT v.2.8


Installation of RootflowRT v.2.8





Your computer must have Cygwin and a Java Runtime Environment installed. Make sure to include these in your %PATH% environment variable through the Control Panel.


Setting Environment Variables

From the start menu, select the Control Panel and double click on the "System" icon. From the tabbed menu, select the ÒAdvancedÓ option and choose "Environment Variables".  Create or edit the "PATH" variable for the User, such that the variable name is "PATH" and the values include the complete paths to the bin directory in your local copy of Cygwin and the bin for your local copy of the J2RE separated by a semi-colon";". For example,








Downloading RootflowRT v.2.8 files

Download the file to your computer and unzip. Copy all the files and folders into your "cygwin\bin" directory. 


Running RootflowRT v.2.8

When you start cygwin or launch the run ÒcmdÓ from the start menu, at the prompt type "java Ðjar RootflowRT.jar". The GUI should appear. Be patient as it may take a few moments.


RootflowRTv.2.8 can also be run from the cygwin command prompt manually by typing: rootflowrt "imageprefix" "imagesuffix" ".ext" < inputfile.txt. More information for command line execution can be obtained at RootflowRT.





The Mac operating system usually comes with a Java Runtime Environment and a Terminal emulator already installed. Choose a directory you would like such as $Home/bin and copy all of the RootflowRT v.2.8 software to it. This path needs to be added to Terminal programs environmental variables.


To find your $HOME directory, in Terminal type "printenv" at the prompt and hit return. The terminal will display all of your environment variables including HOME=/some/dir/path


Setting Environment Variables For Terminal

Open up a plain text editor such as SubEthaEdit or TextPad. In a new file window, type the following as is:


setpath=(. $HOME/bin \

       /usr/local/bin \

       /usr/local \

       /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin \



Save this file as ".cshrc" in your $HOME directory.


Downloading RootflowRT v.2.8 files

Download the file to your computer and unzip. Copy all the files and folders into your Ò$HOME/binÓ directory.


Running RootflowRT v.2.8

When you start the Terminal program at the prompt type "java Ðjar RootflowRT.jar".  The GUI should appear. Be patient as it may take a few moments.


RootflowRTv.2.8 can also be run from the Terminal prompt manually by typing: rootflowrt "imageprefix" "imagesuffix" ".ext" < inputfile.txt. More information for command line execution can be obtained at RootflowRT.