Immature: No yolk granules, no extra nucleoli, no cortical vesicles, no chorion.

03-01 [Vg]=0

Previtellogenic- No yolk granules. Basophilia + extra nucleoli + cortical vesicles.  Outer- and mid-chorion layers develop; see them at 40x.

49-01 [Vg]=0
Chor O:M:I=1:2:0

19-15 [Vg]=0
Chor O:M:I=1:3:0

88-01 [Vg]=0
Chor O:M:I=1:4:1

Early Vitellogenic- Yolk granules, Basophilia + extra nucleoli + cortical vesicles. O and M chorion layers are stable and inner layer starts.

20-28 [Vg]=+
Chor O:M:I=1:3:2
Small yolk granules at 40x

20-18 [Vg]=+
Chor O:M:I=1:4:4
Many yolk granules at 40x

85-05 [Vg]=0
Chor O:M:I=1:3:3
Many yolk granules but
no [Vg]; starving?

Mid Vitellogenic- Abundant yolk granules obscure detail and follicle grows. The inner chorion layer expands dramaticly.

24-06 [Vg]=+
Chor O:M:I=1:3:21

Ripe: 50% of follicles grown to 1000 microns.
Spent: Ripe follicles are absent; involution may be beginning.
Resting: Ripe follicles are absent; involution still occurs; nuclei smooth with no extra nucleoli.

05-12 [Vg]=0

39-01 [Vg]=0

39-02 [Vg]=0
Stage was called D