References and Publications


from the
at the

This is a searchable list arranged chronologically

  1. Katz, U. and Scheffey, C. 1984. Voltage-dependent chloride conductance of toad skin: Localization by vibrating probe. Biol. Bull. 167: 528.
  2. Overall, R. and Jaffe, L. F. 1985. Patterns of ionic current through Drosophila follicles and eggs. Dev. Biol. 108: 102-119.
  3. Jaffe, L. F. and Walsby, A. E. 1985. An investigation of extracellular electrical currents around cyanobacterial filaments. Biol. Bull. 168: 476-481.
  4. Jaffe, L. F. and Allen, R. D. 1985. Exploring electrical currents through squid axoplasm. Biol. Bull. 169: 561.
  5. Bjorkman, T., Leopold, A. C., Scheffey, C. and Jaffe, L. F. 1985. Gravi-stimulation-induced changes in current patterns around corn root caps. The Physiologist 28: 297.
  6. Allen, N. S. and Bowles, E. A. 1985. Steady currents go through Acetabularia crenulata: A vibrating probe analysis. Biophys. J. 47: 122a.
  7. Saunders, M. J. 1985. Calcium mediation of cytokinin-induced cell division. In Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Calcium in Plant Development. (A Trewavas, Ed.). Plenum Press. pp. 185-192.
  8. Saunders, M. J. 1985. Mitosis and cytokinesis in Funaria are accompanied by inward current localized at the nuclear zone. In Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Calcium in Plant Development. (A Trewavas, Ed. ). Plenum Press. pp. 379-380.
  9. Jaffe, L. F. 1985. Extracellular current measurements with a vibrating probe. Trends in NeuroScience 8: 517-521.
  10. Scheffey, C. and Katz, U. 1985. Voltage-dependent chloride conductance of toad skin: localization by vibrating probe. Biophys. J. 47: 11a.
  11. Troxell, C. L., Scheffey, C. and Pickett-Heaps, J. D. 1985. Ionic currents are associated with primary cell wall expansion in the green algal desmids Micrasterias and Closterium. J. Cell Biol. 101: 362a.
  12. Payne, R. and Fein, A. 1986. Localization of the photocurrent of Limulus ventral photoreceptors using a vibrating probe. Biophysics J. 50: 193-196.
  13. Scheffey, C. 1986. Electric fields and the vibrating probe, for the uninitiated. In Ionic Currents in Development. (R. Nuccitelli, Ed.). Alan Liss, New York, pp. xxv-xxxvii.
  14. Scheffey, C. 1986. Pitfalls of the vibrating probe technique and what to do about them. In Ionic Currents in Development. (R. Nuccitelli, Ed.). Alan Liss, New York, pp. 3-12.
  15. Troxell, C. L., Scheffey, C. and Pickett-Heaps, J. D. 1986. Ionic currents during wall morphogenesis in Micrasterias and Closterium. In Ionic Currents in Development. (R. Nuccitelli, Ed. ). Alan Liss, New York, pp. 3-12.
  16. Bowles, E. A. and Allen, N. S. 1986. A vibrating probe analysis of light-dependent transcellular currents in Acetabularia. In Ionic Currents in Development. (R. Nuccitelli, Ed.). Alan Liss, New York, pp. 113-121.
  17. Kunkel, J. G. 1986. Dorsoventral currents are associated with vitellogenesis in cockroach ovarioles. In Ionic Currents in Development. (R. Nuccitelli, Ed.). Alan Liss, New York, pp. 165-172.
  18. Scheffey, C. and Katz, U. 1986. Current flow measurements from the apical side of toad skin. In Ionic Currents in Development. (R. Nuccitelli, Ed.). Alan Liss, New York, pp. 213-219.
  19. Jaffe, L. F. 1986. Ion currents in development: An overview. In Ionic Currents in Development. (R. Nuccitelli, Ed.). Alan Liss, New York, pp. 351-357.
  20. Jaffe, L. F. 1986. Calcium and morphogenetic fields. In CIBA Foundation Symposium #122: Calcium and the Cell, Wiley, New York, pp. 271-288.
  21. Demarest, J. R., Scheffey, C. and Machen, T. E. 1986. Segregation of gastric Na+ and Cl- transport: a vibrating probe and microelectrode study. Am. J. Physiol. 251: C643-C648.
  22. Katz, U. and Scheffey, C. 1986. The voltage-dependent chloride current conductance of toad skin is localized to mitochondria-rich cells. Biochim. Biophysica Acta 861: 480-482.
  23. Nuccitelli, R., Robinson, K. and Jaffe, L. F. 1986. On electrical currents in development. Bio Essays 5: 292-294.
  24. Saunders, M. J. 1986. Cytokinin activation and redistribution of plasma-membrane ion channels in Funaria: A vibrating-microelectrode and cytoskeleton-inhibitor study. Planta 167: 402-409.
  25. Saunders, M. J. 1986. Correlation of electrical current influx with nuclear position and division in Funaria caulonema tip cells. Protoplasma 132: 32-37.
  26. Jaffe, L. F., Fink, R. D. and Trinkaus, J. P. 1986. Steady currents enter wounds in the enveloping layer of Fundulus embryos. Biol. Bull. 171: 473.
  27. Jaffe, L. F. and Levy, S. 1987. Calcium gradients measured with a vibrating calcium-selective electrode. Proc. IEEE/EMBS Conference 9: 779-781.
  28. Bjorkman, T. and Leopold, A. C. 1987. An electric current associated with gravity sensing in maize roots. Plant Physiol. 84: 841-846.
  29. Bjorkman, T. and Leopold, A. C. 1987. Effects of inhibitors on auxin transport and of calmodulin on a gravisensing-dependent current in maize roots. Plant Physiol. 84: 847-850.
  30. Scheffey, C. 1988. Two approaches to construction of vibrating probes for electrical current measurement in solution. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 59:787-792.
  31. Fluck, R. A. and Jaffe, L. F. 1988. Electrical currents associated with rhythmic contractions of the blastoderm of the medaka, Oryzias latipes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 89A: 609-613.
  32. Troxell, C. L. 1988. Vibrating microelectrode studies of transcellular ionic currents during development in the algae Acetabularia, Closterium and Micrasterias. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder.
  33. Verachtert, B. 1988. Electrical polarity in the ovarian follicles of Sarcophaga bullata, Drosophila melanogaster and Locusta migratoria. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Leuven, Belgium.
  34. Holtug, K., Skadhauge, E. and Shipley, A. 1988. Localization of sodium absorption and chloride secretion in a villar epithelium. Gastroenterology 94A: 191.
  35. Foskett, J. K. and Scheffey, C. 1989. Scanning electrode localization of transport pathways in epithelial tissues. Methods in Enzymology. 171: 792-813.
  36. Durham, J. H., Shipley, A. and Scheffey, C. 1989. Vibrating probe localization of acidification current to minority cells of the turtle bladder. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 574: 486-488.
  37. Jaffe, L. F. 1989. Calcium, pulses, waves and gradients in early development. Proc. VII Int. Spring Symposium, Washington, D. C. (on “Cell Calcium Metabolism”). (Gary Fiskum, ed. ) Plenum Press, New York, pp. 313-321.
  38. Jaffe, L. F. and Nuccitelli, R. J., eds. 1989. Ionic currents in development: An MBL Centennial Symposium Supplement to the Biol. Bull. 176(S): 2-186.
  39. Bjorkman, T. 1989. The use of bioelectric currents to study gravity perception in roots. Biol. Bull. 176(S): 49-55.
  40. Kunkel, J. G. and Bowdan, E. 1989. Modeling currents about vitellogenic oocytes of cockroach, Blattella germanica. Biol. Bull. 176(S): 96-102.
  41. Sun, Y.-A. and Wyman, R. J. 1989. The Drosophila egg chamber: External ionic currents and the hypothesis of electrophoretic transport. Biol. Bull. 176(S): 79-85.
  42. Troxell, C. L. 1989. Transcellular ionic currents during primary cell wall morphogenesis in Micrasterias and Closterium. Biol. Bull. 176(S): 36-40.
  43. Verachtert, B. and DeLoof, A. 1989. Intra- and extracellular electrical fields of vitellogenic polytrophic insect follicles. Biol. Bull. 176(S): 91-95.
  44. Zivkovic, D. and Dohmen, M. R. 1989. Ionic currents in Lymnaea stagnalis eggs during maturation divisions and first mitotic cell cycle. Biol. Bull. 176(S): 103-109.
  45. Kuhtreiber, W. M., and Jaffe, L. F. 1990. Detection of extracellular calcium gradients with a calcium-specific vibrating electrode. J. of Cell Biology 110: 1565-1573.
  46. Sanger, R., Karplus, E. and Jaffe, L. F. 1990. An aerial vibrating probe. Biol. Bull. 179: 225.
  47. Jaffe, L. F. 1990. The path of calcium in fertilization and other endogenous oscillations: a unifying view. Biol. Bull. 179: 224.
  48. Bowdan, E. and Kunkel, J. G. 1990. Patterns of ionic currents around the developing oocyte of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica. Dev. Biol. 137: 266-275.
  49. Jaffe, L. F. 1990. Calcium ion currents and gradients in fucoid eggs. In Calcium in Plant Growth and Development. (R. T. Leonard & Hepler, P. K. eds.) Am. Soc. Plant Physiology. pp120-124.
  50. Smith, P. J. S., and Shipley, A. L. 1990. Regional variation in the current flow across an insect blood-brain barrier. J. Exp. Biol. 154: 371-382.
  51. Speksnijder, J. E., Sardet, C. and Jaffe, L. F. 1990. Periodic calcium waves cross ascidian eggs after fertilization. Dev. Biol. 142: 246-249.
  52. Zivkovic, D. 1990. Steady transcellular ionic currents during early molluscan development. Ph. D. Thesis. Free University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  53. Fluck, R., Miller, A. L. and Jaffe, L. F. 1990. Calcium waves spread beneath the furrows of cleaving medaka fish eggs. J. Cell Biol. 111: 468a.
  54. Gillot, I., Chrystal, J., Jaffe, L. F. and Kuhtreiber, W. M. 1990. Where does the calcium lost by fertilizing Arbacia eggs go? Biol. Bull. 179: 224.
  55. Miller, A. L., Fluck, R. A., McLaughlin, J. A. and Jaffe, L. F. 1990. Calcium waves spread beneath the furrows of cleaving Oryzias latipes and Xenopus laevis eggs. Biol. Bull. 179: 224-225.
  56. Saunders, M. J. 1990. Cytokinesis: Evidence for spatial control of signal and transduction, in Plant Growth Substances. (Ed. R. P. Pharis). Springer Verlag. pp. 551-518.
  57. Saunders, M. J. 1990. Calcium and plant hormone action, in Society for Experimental Biology Symposium: Hormone Perception and Signal Transduction in Animals and Plants. (Ed. J. Roberts). Cambridge University Press. pp. 271-284.
  58. Baumann, S. B. 1991. The vibrating probe as a sensitive toxicological assay for the effects of tributylin on ionic currents in Acetabularia mediterranea. Toxicology in Vitro 5: 103-107.
  59. Cullander, C. and Guy, R. H. 1991. Site of iontophoretic current flow into the skin: Identification and characterization with the vibrating probe electrode. J. Inv. Dermatology 97: 55-64.
  60. Isaacs, H. S., Davenport, A. J. and Shipley, A. 1991. The electrochemical response of steel to addition of dissolved cerium. J. Electrochem. Soc. 138: 390-393.
  61. Scheffey, C., Shipley, A. M. and Durham, J. H. 1991. Localization and regulation of acid-base secretory currents from individual epithelial cells. Am. J. Physiol. 261: F963-F974.
  62. Troxell, C. L. and Scheffey, C. 1991. Ionic currents flow through Micrasterias and Closterium cells during expansion of the primary cell wall. Planta 84: 218-225.
  63. Holtug, K., Shipley, A., Dantzer, V., Sten-Knudsen, O. and Skadhauge, E. 1991. Localization of sodium absorption and chloride secretion in intestinal ion transport. J. Memb. Biol. 122: 215-229.
  64. O’Donnell, M. J. and Shipley, A. M. 1991. Localization of electrical current flow across the chorionated unfertilized egg of the locust, Locusta migratoria. Invert. Reprod. and Devel. 20 #2: 167- 173.
  65. Buonanno, M. A., Latanision, R. M., Hihara, L. H. and Chiang, J. F. 1991. “Corrosion of graphite aluminum metal matrix composites. ” In Environmental Effects on Advanced Materials. (Eds. R. H. Jones and R. E. Ricker). The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. pp. 267-282.
  66. Smith, P. J. S. and Shipley, A. M. 1991. Potassium currents, vacuolar-type proton ATPases and the insect blood brain barrier. European Neurosciences. Cambridge, UK.
  67. Smith, P. J. S. 1992. Potassium flux, proton pumps and the insect blood-brain barrier. SEB Joint International Meeting, pp. 8.
  68. Schiefelbein, J. W., Shipley, A. and Rowse, P. 1992. Calcium influx at the tip of growing root- hair cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 187: 455-459.
  69. Huang, J. W., Grunes, D. L. and Kochian, L. V. 1992. Aluminum effects on the kinetics of calcium uptake into cells of the wheat root apex. Planta 188: 414-421.
  70. Kochian, L. V., Shaff, J. E., Kuhtreiber, W. M., Jaffe, L. F. and Lucas, W. J. 1992. Use of an extracellular, ion-selective, vibrating microelectrode system for the quantification of K+, H+, and Ca2+ fluxes in maize roots and maize suspension cells. Planta 188: 601-610.
  71. Shipley, A. M. and Smith, P. J. S. 1992. Searching for the perfect flux; the vibrating probe technique. SEB Joint International Meeting pp. 65
  72. Fluck, R. A., Miller, A. L. and Jaffe, L. F. 1992. High calcium zones at the poles of developing medaka eggs. Biol. Bull. 183: 70-77.
  73. Krause, T. L., Fishman, H. M., Ballinger, M. L. and Bittner, G. D. 1992. Seal formation in two transected giant axons suggest two models of healing. Soc. of Neurosci. 18, Part 2: 965. (#407. 11).
  74. Howes, E. A., Newlands, P. L. and Smith, P. J. S. 1993. Regenerating adult cockroach DUM neurons in vitro retain their in vivo membrane characteristics. J. exp. Biology 179: 323-329.
  75. Cox, D. N., Shipley, A., Ehrhardt, D. W., Long, S. R. and Allen, N. S. 1993. Early ionic responses of alfalfa root hairs to nodulation factors: A vibrating probe analysis. Am. Soc. for Plant Physiol., Minneapolis. August, 1993.
  76. Feijo, J. A., Jaffe, L. F. and Shipley, A. 1993. Spatial and temporal patterns of electric and proton currents around in vitro germinating pollen of Lillium longiflorum. XXVII Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Electron Microscopy and Cell Biology.
  77. Krause, T. L. Rapid membrane repair in two transected giant axons. Doctoral Dissertation submitted to Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX. Accepted May, 1993.
  78. Cox, D. N. Early ionic responses of alfalfa root hairs to nodulation factors: a vibrating probe analysis. Senior Honors Thesis, Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC.
  79. Speksnijder, J. E., Terasaki, M., Hage, W. J., Jaffe, L. F. and Sardet, C. 1993. Polarity and reorganization of the endoplasmic reticulum during fertilization and ooplasmic segregation in the Ascidian egg. J. Cell Biology 120: 1337-1346.
  80. Kuhtreiber, W. M., Gillot, I., Sardet, C. and Jaffe, L. F. 1993. Net calcium and acid release at fertilization in eggs af sea urchins and ascidians. Cell Calcium 14: 73-86.
  81. Jaffe, L. F. 1993. Classes and mechanisms of calcium waves. Cell Calcium 14: 736-745.
  82. Wang, R., Pang, P. K. T., Wu, L., Shipley, A., Karpinski, E., Harvey, S. and Berdan, R. C. 1993. Neural effects of parathyroid hormone: Modulation of the calcium channel current and metabolism of monoamines in identified Heliosoma snail neurons. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacology 71: 582-591.
  83. Hill, S. D., Shipley, A., Smith, P. and Jaffe, L. F. 1993. Endogenous currents are established during wound healing and regeneration in sabellid fanworms. Michigan State University First Annual Research Day Program, April 24, 1993. #25.
  84. Hill, S. D., Shipley, A. M. and Smith, P. J. S. 1993. Endogenous current during wound healing and regeneration in sabellid fanworms. Biol. Bull. 185: 303-304.
  85. Smith, P. J. S., Duthie, G. G., Shipley, A. and Tytell, M. 1993. Steady-state calcium efflux from Aplysia neurons: perturbation and protection by free-radicals and stress proteins, HSP70. Biol. Bull. 185: 293-294.
  86. Pierson, E. J., Smith, P. J. S., Duthie, G. G., Shipley, A., Jaffe, L. F., Cresti, M. and Hepler, P. K. 1993. Ca2+ fluxes around pollen grains and pollen tubes of lily; normal development and effect of thermal shock, BAPTA-type buffer microinjection and depletion of boric acid from the medium. Biol. Bull. 185: 302-303.
  87. Nagel, W., Shipley, A. and Demarest, J. R. 1993. Vibrating probe analysis of voltage-activated Cl- current across mitochondrial-rich cells of toad skin. FASEB J. 7 #3: A351 (#2035).
  88. Smith, P. J. S., Sanger, R. H. and Jaffe, L. F. 1994. The vibrating Ca2+ electrode: A new technique for detecting plasma membrane regions of Ca2+ influx and efflux. In Methods in Cell Biology. A practical guide to the study of Ca2+ in living cells. (Series eds. : L. Wilson & P. Matsudaira; Vol. ed. : R. Nuccitelli). 40: 115-134. San Diego: Academic Press.
  89. Morgan, J. L. M., Shipley, A. and Demarest, J. R. 1994. Measuring electoneutral ion flux from isolated epithelial cells with a vibrating ion-selective electrode. Biophys. J. 66: A115.
  90. Smith, P. J. S. and Shipley, A. M. 1994. The role of V-type ATPases in a high resistance blood- brain barrier. Biophys. J. 66: A217.
  91. Duthie, G. G., Shipley, A. M. and Smith, P. J. S. 1994. Use of a vibrating electrode to measure changes in calcium fluxes across the cell membranes of oxidatively challenged Aplysia nerve cells. Free Radical Res. 20: 307-313.
  92. Wangermann, P., Shiga, N., Liu, J., Shen, Z., Marcus, D. C. and Shipley, A. 1994. Hyposmotic challenge activates an apical K+ conductance in vestibular dark cells. FASEB J. 8: A562 (#3258).
  93. Marcus, D. C. and Shipley, A. 1994. Potassium secretion by inner ear epithelia demonstrated by vibrating probe technique. FASEB J. 8: A345 (#1997).
  94. Smith, P. S. J. and Shipley, A. M. 1994. Ion transport across a high-resistance blood-brain barrier examined by non-invasive voltage probes. In vitro 30A: 100 (#V1021).
  95. Ryan, J. M., Smith, P. J. S. and Tytell, M. 1994. H2O2 induced perturbation of neuronal physiology and morphology. In vitro 30A: 100 (#I-1029).
  96. Kunkel, J. G., Shipley, A. M., Sanger, R. H. and Smith, P. J. S. 1994. Non-invasive Voltage Probe (NVPi) for the measurement of steady ionic currents. In vitro 30A: 100 (#V-1023).
  97. Tamse, C. T., Kuzirian, A. M., Smith, P. J. S. and Collin, C. 1994. In vitro primary cell culture of Hermissenda crassicornis neurons. In vitro 30A: 100 (I-1004).
  98. Marcus, D. C. and Shipley, A. M. 1994. Potassium secretion by vestibular dark cell epithelium demonstrated by vibrating probe. Biophysical J. 66: 1939-1942.
  99. Krause, T. L., Fishman, H. M., Ballinger, M. L. and Bittner, G. D. 1994. Extent and mechanism of sealing in transected giant axons of squid and earthworms. J. Neurosci. 14 #11: 6638- 6651.
  100. Pierson, E. J., Miller, D. D., Callaham, D. A., Shipley, A. M., Rivers, B., Cresti, M. and Hepler, P. K. 1994. Pollen tube growth is coupled to extracellular calcium ion flux and the intracellular calcium gradient: Effect of BAPTA-type buffers and hypertonic media. The Plant Cell 6: 1815-1828.
  101. Kunkel, J. G., Sanger, R. H. and Smith, P. J. S. 1994. Direct measurement of porter and pump mediated ion flow using noninvasive ion-selective probe. Soc. Gen. Physiol. 104: 30A (#62)
  102. Allen, N. S., Bennett, M. N., Cox, D. N., Shipley, A., Ehrhardt, D. W. and Long, S. R. 1994. Effects of NOD factors on alfalfa root hair Ca++ and H+ currents and on cytoskeletal behavior. In Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. Vol. 3. Daniels, M. J., Donnie, J. A. and Osbourn, A. E. (eds. ). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 107-113.
  103. Tamse, C. T., Smith, P. J. S., Aloulou, A., Epstein, H. T. and Kuzirian, A. M. 1994. Lead toxicity in Hermissenda crassicornis embryos and cultured neurons. Biol. Bull. 187: 251-252.
  104. Hill, S. D., Shipley, A. M. and Smith, P. J. S. 1994. Ionic fluxes during wound healing following segment amputation in Sabellid Fanworms. Biol. Bull. 187: 253-254.
  105. Yamoah, E. and Smith, P. J. S. 1994. Second messenger modulation of steady state calcium efflux in Aplysia bag cells. Biol. Bull. 187: 270.
  106. Kunkel, J. G. and Smith, P. J. S. 1994. Three dimensional calibration of the non-invasive ion probe, NVPi, of steady ionic currents. Biol. Bull. 187: 271-272.
  107. Malchow, R. P., Qian, H. and Ripps, H. 1994. A novel action of Quinine and Quinidine on the membrane conductance of neurons from the vertebrate retina. J. Gen. Physiol. 104: 1039-1055.
  108. Yamoah, E. and Smith, P. J. S. 1995. Modulation of Ca2+ efflux in Aplysia bag cells by second messengers. Biophysical J. 68: A314. (W-Pos 335).
  109. Howes, E. A. and Smith, P. J. S. 1995. “Cells at the boundary: The insect blood-brain barrier and its role in neural repair. ” In Neuron-Glia Interrelations during Phylogeny: II. Plasticity and Regeneration. A. Vernadakis and B. Roots, Eds. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. 249-274.
  110. Jaffe, L. F. 1995. Classes and mechanisms of calcium waves. CIBA Symp. 88: 4-17.
  111. Godell, C. M., Eddleman, C., Fishman, H. M. and Bittner, G. D. 1995. Calpain induces sealing of transected squid giant axons. J. Neurochemistry 64: S25 (C).
  112. Eddleman, C., Godell, C. M., Fishman, H. M. and Bittner, G. D. 1995. Sealing of transected crayfish medial giant axons. J. Neurochemistry 64: S25 (D).
  113. Land, S. C. and Smith, P. J. S. 1995. Suppression of Ca2+ flux during the transition to anoxia in turtle hepatocytes revealed by a non-invasive, Ca2+-selective vibrating probe. Biol. Bull. 189: 228-229.
  114. Demarest, J. R. and Morgan, J. L. M. 1995. Effect of pH buffers on proton secretion from gastric oxyntic cells measured with vibrating ion-selective microelectrodes. Biol. Bull. 189: 219-220.
  115. Kunkel, J. G. and Faszewski, E. 1995. Pattern of potassium ion currents in the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, indicates future embryonic polarity. Biol. Bull. 189: 197-198.
  116. Keefe, D., Pepperell, J., Rinaudo, P., Kunkel, J. G. and Smith, P. J. S. 1995. Identification of calcium flux in single pre-implantation mouse embryos with the calcium-sensitive vibrating probe. Biol. Bull. 189: 200.
  117. Devlin, C. L. and Smith, P. J. S. 1995. Acetylcholine-induced Ca2+ flux across the sarcolemma of an echinoderm smooth muscle. Biol. Bull. 189: 207.
  118. Smith, P. J. S., Hammar, K. and Tytell, M. 1995. Effects of exogenous heat shock protein (Hsp 70) on neuronal calcium flux. Biol. Bull. 189: 209-210.
  119. Fishman, H. M., Krause, T. L., Miller, A. L. and Bittner, G. D. 1995. Retardation of the spread of extracellular Ca2+ into transected, unsealed squid giant axons. Biol. Bull. 189: 208-209.
  120. Tamse, C. T., Smith, P. J. S., Collin, C. and Kuzirian, A. M. 1995. Cell culture of Hermissenda crassicornis neurons. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biol. 31: 653-656.
  121. Wangermann, P, Liu, J., Shen, Z., Shipley, A. and Marcus, D. C. 1995. Hypo-osmotic challenge stimulates transepithelial K+ secretion and activates apical IsK channel in vestibular dark cells. J. Membrane Biol. 147: 263-273.
  122. Smith, P. J. S. 1995. The non-invasive probes -- tools for measuring transmembrane ion flux. Nature 378: 645-646.
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