Lian Winslow Guo

PhD Candidate

B.A, Organismal Biology, Scripps, 2014

Advisor: Adrian Jordaan, Stephen D. McCormick
Dissertation/thesis title: Thermal ecophysiology of juvenile anadromous river herring

Research Interests

I'm an ecophysiologist who is fascinated by temperature and how it affects fish and other organisms. In my dissertation research, I examine how juvenile river herring adjust their physiology in "suboptimal" temperature regimes and how this relates to their adult population ecology. In particular, I examine how temperature and food availability affect the bioenergetics and fitness-based performances in early life stages of the two river herring species, alewife and blueback herring. These two anadromous forage fish that are important sources of energy and nutrients in both freshwater and marine ecosystems along the eastern United States. As a research scientist, I aim to conduct reasearch that probes physiological mechanisms to yield new information and tools to improve management of important fish species. 

I am also part of an interdisciplinary SESYNC Graduate Pursuit team, examining the relationship of urbanization with health risks for subsistence fisher communities in Louisiana and Florida. I am primarily responsible for the environmental data analysis and toxicology aspects of this project.

I also love science outreach/communication and am an active member of OEB Science Cafe and That's Life [Science]


Thompson, AR, Chen, D, Guo, LW, Hyde, JR, and W Watson. Larval abundances of rockfishes that were historically targeted by fishing increased over 16 years in association with a large marine protected area. 2017. Royal Society Open Science 4:170639

Khalil, A, Parker, M, Brown, SE, Cevik, SE, Guo, LW, Jensen, J, Olmsted, A, Portman, D, Wu, H, and A Suvorov. 2017. Perinatal Exposure to 2,2',4'4' -Tetrabromidihenyl Ether Impairs Male Reproductive Health in Adult Rats. Toxicology.

Thompson, AR, Hyde, JR, Watson, W, Chen, D, and LW Guo. 2016. Rockfish assemblage structure and spawning locations in southern California identified through larval sampling. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 547:177-192

Guo, LW. 2014. Effects of Variable and Constant Acclimation Regimes on the Upper Thermal Tolerance of Intertidal Barnacle, Balanus Glandula. Scripps Senior Theses. Paper 331.