Include a table like the example below, but containing your own results, in your IgG lab report. As illustrated below, use footnotes to summarize details of how you arrived at values such as mg/ml. (Microbiology 542 -- Eric Martz)
Quantitative Recoveries for IgG Purification/Fragmentation
Line No. Input Procedure Output Recovery, %
Volume, ml mg/mla Total mg Volume, ml mg/ml Total mg
1 40 (Rabbit Serum) Proteinb: ~70
IgG: ~12
Protein: 1400
IgG: ~480
Sodium sulfate precipitation, centrifugation, dialysis, centrifugation supernatant 9 ml 29.3c 264 ~55% of estimated input IgG
2 9 ml 29.3 264 DEAE column Peak: 9.4
Nonpeake: 27.5
Peak is 44% of line 2 input; 24% of line 1 input.
Peak + Nonpeak is 55% of line 2 input.
  Concentration with Aquacide
  Pepsin digestion
  Sephadex G150 column
Peak 1:
Peak 2:
Peak 3:

a. Unless otherwise indicated, mg/ml are based on the assumption that most of the protein is IgG. IgG mg/ml are estimated  from A280 using the extinction coefficient of 13.5 for 1% (10 mg/ml) rabbit IgG from Johnstone and Thorpe, Immunochemistry in Practice, Blackwell, 1982, p. 2

b. Serum is typically about 7% protein, of which 4/7 is albumin. A280 of this rabbit serum was 0.262 at 1/200. Using the albumin extinction coefficient of 6.7, this gives 78 mg/ml.

c. A280 of peak 0.198 at dilution 1/200.

d. A280 of peak 0.412 at dilution 1/40. A280 of residual non-peak 0.725 at dilution 1/2.

e. "Nonpeak" means a pool of all fractions not included in peak pools. You probably did not do this in which case you don't need to report it. The nonpeak pool is what you don't use in subsequent steps, but by adding protein in the nonpeak pool to that in the peak(s), you can tell if protein was unaccountably lost in the procedure.