Stages of tautog (Tautoga onitis) development
(Kuntz and Radcliffe, 1917)

Fig. 1
fertilized egg
Fig. 2
2-cell blastoderm
Fig. 3
4-cell blastoderm
Fig. 4
8-cell blastoderm
Fig. 5
late cleavage with periblast
Fig. 6
blastoderm w. germ ring
Fig. 7
late stage of axis determination
Fig. 8
Fig. 7 lateral view
Fig. 9
8-somite embryo
Fig. 10
shortly before hatch.
Fig. 11
newly hatched, 2.1 mm.
Fig. 12
1 day, 2.9 mm.
Fig. 13
4 day, 3.3 mm.
Fig. 14
young fish, 5 mm.
Fig. 15
young fish, 10 mm.
Fig. 16
young fish, 32 mm.
Fig. 17
adult fish

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