Below are papers published by members of our group on weedy rice genetics and evolution. Papers resulting from our current grant are indicated by a *
*Thurber, C.S., M.H. Jia, Y. Jia, and A.L. Caicedo. 2013. Similar traits, different genes? Examining convergent evolution in related weedy rice populations. Molecular Ecology, 22: 685–698.. | Link |
*Vigueira, C.C., K.M. Olsen ,and A.L. Caicedo. 2012. The red queen in the corn: Agricultural weeds as models of rapid adaptive evolution. Heredity. advance online publication 28 November 2012; doi: 10.1038/hdy.2012.104. | Link |
Lee, S., Y. Jia, M. Jia, D.R. Gealy, K.M. Olsen, and A.L. Caicedo. 2011. Molecular evolution of the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta in invasive weedy rice in the USA. PLos ONE 6: e26260. |
Link |
Reagon, M., C.S. Thurber, K.M. Olsen, Y. Jia, A.L. Caicedo. 2011. The long and the short of it: SD1 polymorphism and the evolution of growth trait divergence in U.S. weedy rice. Molecular Ecology 20: 3743-3756. | Link |
Thurber, C.S., P.K. Hepler, and A.L. Caicedo. 2011. Timing is everything: early degradation of abscission layer is associated with increased seed shattering in U.S. weedy rice. BMC Plant Biology 11: 14. | Link |
Thurber, C.S., M. Reagon, B.L. Gross, K.M. Olsen, Y. Jia, and A.L. Caicedo. 2010. Molecular evolution of shattering loci in U.S. weedy rice. Molecular Ecology, 19: 3271-3284. | Link |
Gross, B.L., M. Reagon, S.C. Hsu, A.L. Caicedo, Y. Jia, and K.M. Olsen. 2010. Seeing red: the origin of grain pigmentation in US weedy rice. Molecular Ecology 19: 3380-3393. | Link |
Reagon, M., C.S. Thurber, B.L. Gross, K.M. Olsen, Y. Jia, and A.L Caicedo. 2010. Genomic patterns of nucleotide diversity in divergent populations of U.S. weedy rice. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 180. | Link |
Shivrain, V.K., N.R. Burgos, M.A. Sales, and Y.I. Kuk. 2010. Polymorphisms in the ALS gene of weedy rice accessions with different tolerance to imazethapyr. Crop Prot. 29: 336–341. | Link |
Lee, S, S. Costanzo, Y. Jia, K.M. Olsen, and A.L. Caicedo. 2009. Evolutionary dynamics of the genomic region around the blast resistance gene Pi-ta in AA genome Oryza species. Genetics 183: 1315-1325. | Link |
Gross, B.L., K.J. Skare, and K.M. Olsen. 2009. Novel Phr1 mutations and the evolution of phenol reaction variation in US weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.). New Phytologist 184: 842-850. | Link |
Shivrain, V. K., N. R. Burgos, D. R. Gealy, K. L. Smith, R. C. Scott, A. Mauromoustakos, and H. Black. 2009. Red rice (Oryza sativa L.) emergence characteristics and influence on rice (O. sativa L.) yield at different planting dates. Weed Science 57: 94-102. | Link |
Shivrain, V.K., N.R. Burgos, M.A. Sales, A. Mauromoustakos, D.R. Gealy, K.L. Smith, H.L. Black, M. Jia. 2009. Factors affecting the outcrossing rate between ClearfieldTM rice and red rice (Oryza sativa). Weed Science. 57: 394-403. | Link |
Shivrain, V.K., N.R. Burgos, D.R. Gealy, M.A. Sales, and K.L. Smith. 2009. Gene flow from weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) to cultivated rice and fitness of hybrids. Pest Manag. Sci. DOI 10.1002/ps.1802. | Link |
Gealy, D.R., Agrama, H., Eizenga, G.C. 2009. Exploring genetic and spatial structure of U.S. weedy red rice (Oryza sativa L.) populations in relation to rice relatives worldwide. Weed Science. 57:627-643. | Link |
Gealy, D.R., Bryant, R.J. 2009. Seed physicochemical characteristics of field-grown U.S. weedy red rice biotypes: Contrasts with commercial cultivars. Journal of Cereal Science. 49:239-245. | Link |
Gealy, D.R., Estorninos, L. 2008. Use of SSR markers to discern reciprocal outcrossing rates between weedy red rice types and rice cultivars having different degrees of flowering synchronization. Rice Technical Working Group Meeting Proceedings. p. 147. | Link |
Shivrain, V. K., N. R. Burgos, D. R. Gealy, K. A. K. Moldenhauer, and C. J. Baquireza. 2008. Maximum outcrossing rate and genetic compatibility between red rice (Oryza sativa) biotypes and ClearfieldTM rice. Weed Science. 56: 807-813. | Link |
Kuk, Y. I., N. R. Burgos, and V. K. Shivrain. 2008. Natural tolerance to imazethapyr in red rice. Weed Science. 56: 1-11. | Link |
Zhang, J., N.R. Burgos, M, Kun, Y.J. Zhou, R.M. Geng, L. Yu. 2008. Genetic diversity and relationship of weedy rice in Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, China. Rice Sci. 15: 395-302. | Link |
Burgos, N. R., J. K. Norsworthy, R. C. Scott, and K. L. Smith. 2008. Red rice status after five years of ClearfieldTM rice technology in Arkansas. Weed Technol. 22: 200-208. | Link |
Sales, M. A., V. K. Shivrain, N. R. Burgos, and Y. I. Kuk. 2008. Amino acid substitutions in the acetolactate synthase gene of red rice confer resistance to imazethapyr herbicide. Weed Science. 56: 485-489. | Link |
Caicedo, A.L.†, S.H. Williamson†, R.D. Hernandez, A. Boyko, A. Fledel-Alon, T.L. York, N. Polato, K.M. Olsen, R. Nielsen, S. McCouch, C.D. Bustamante, and M.D. Purugganan. 2007. Genome-wide patterns of nucleotide polymorphism in domesticated rice. PLoS Genetics 3: e163. †shared first authorship | Link |
Olsen, K.M., A.L. Caicedo, and Y. Jia. 2007. Evolutionary genomics of weedy rice in the U.S.A. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49, 811-816. | Link |
Shivrain, V. K., N. R. Burgos, M. M. Anders, S. N. Rajguru, J. Moore, and M. A. Sales. 2007. Gene flow between Clearfield rice and red rice. Crop Prot. 26: 349-356. | Link |
Gealy, D.R., Agrama, H.A., Wilson,Jr., C.E., Estorninos, Jr, L.E. 2007. Structure Analysis of Several Red Rice Populations in Arkansas: DNA Marker Evidence for Gene Flow with Rice. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Series 550:74-83. | Link |
Shivrain, V.K., Burgos, N.R., Bullington, J.A., Gealy, D.R., Black, H.L. 2007. Outcrossing frequency and phenotypes of outcrosses based on flowering of red rice accessions and Clearfield cultivars in the Grand Prairie. Agricultural Experiment Station Research Series 550:237-244. | Link |
Delouche, J.C., Burgos, N.R., Gealy, D.R., De San Martin, G.Z., Labrada, R., Larinde, M., Rosell, C. 2007. Weedy Rices-Origin, Biology, Ecology, and Control. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 188, FAO Rome. 144 p. | Link |
Shivrain, V. K., N. R. Burgos, K. A. K. Moldenhauer, R. W. McNew, and T. L. Baldwin. 2006. Characterization of spontaneous crosses between Clearfield rice (Oryza sativa) and red rice (O. sativa). Weed Technol. 20: 576-584. | Link |
Rajguru, S. N., N. R. Burgos, V. K Shivrain, J.McD. Stewart. 2005. Mutations in red rice ALS gene associated with resistance to imazethapyr. Weed Science. 53: 567-577. | Link |