
Our lab has been privileged to work with some beautiful animals in some amazing places. Below are some images for your enjoyment. Any images from Duncan Irschick are free to use without fee. We only ask that you first contact Duncan Irschick, and that you properly attribute him. Please note that for any image where the photographer is not listed as Duncan Irschick, that person should be contacted prior to any use. If no photographer is listed, the image is by Duncan Irschick. We also include some videos of animals performing some amazing athletic feats. Finally, our work has also been featured in many media outlets, and we include some of the videos, as well as others produced at UMass Amherst, and elsewhere.

Beautiful colors from a mating male Urosaurus ornatus from Arizona
Beautiful colors from a mating male Urosaurus ornatus from Arizona
A tokay gecko (Gecko gekko) resting on kevlar. Image credit: John Solem
A tokay gecko (Gecko gekko) resting on kevlar. Image credit: John Solem
The Gecko team at UMass Amherst. Image credit: Sean Werle
The Gecko team at UMass Amherst. Image credit: Sean Werle
Gehyra mutilata gecko on glass
Gehyra mutilata gecko on glass
A trunk anole (Anolis distichus) from the Dominican Republic
A trunk anole (Anolis distichus) from the Dominican Republic
An agamid lizard (Bronchocela cristatella) from Thailand
An agamid lizard (Bronchocela cristatella) from Thailand
Belly of a Sceloporus lizard from Arizona
Belly of a Sceloporus lizard from Arizona
Gehyra vorax gecko. Image credit: Sean Werle
Gehyra vorax gecko. Image credit: Sean Werle
A tiger shark (Galecerdo cuvier) swimming. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
A tiger shark (Galecerdo cuvier) swimming. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Measuring a tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Measuring a tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Flying dragon (Draco) from Thailand
Flying dragon (Draco) from Thailand
Asian Vine snake (Ahaetulla) from Thailand
Asian Vine snake (Ahaetulla) from Thailand
A tokay gecko (Gecko gekko) toepad
A tokay gecko (Gecko gekko) toepad
A collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) from Arizona
A collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) from Arizona
Tokay (Gecko gekko) and house (Hemidactylus frenatus) geckos with lead weights, demonstraing their holding power. Image credit: Margarita Ramos
Tokay (Gecko gekko) and house (Hemidactylus frenatus) geckos with lead weights, demonstraing their holding power. Image credit: Margarita Ramos
Agamid lizard (Calotes emma) from Thailand
Agamid lizard (Calotes emma) from Thailand
A twig anole (Anolis angusticeps) from the Bahamas
A twig anole (Anolis angusticeps) from the Bahamas
A lacertid lizard from Croatia (Lacerta oxycephela). Image credit: Bieke Vanhooydonck
A lacertid lizard from Croatia (Lacerta oxycephela). Image credit: Bieke Vanhooydonck
Toepad of a tokay gecko (Gecko gekko). Image credit: John Solem
Toepad of a tokay gecko (Gecko gekko). Image credit: John Solem
A grass-bush anole (Anolis olssoni) perching on a twig in the Dominican Republic
A grass-bush anole (Anolis olssoni) perching on a twig in the Dominican Republic
Measuring a large tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Measuring a large tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
A tokay gecko (Gecko gekko). Image credit: Michael Bartlett
A tokay gecko (Gecko gekko). Image credit: Michael Bartlett
Earless lizard (Cophosaurus) from Arizona
Earless lizard (Cophosaurus) from Arizona
An undergraduate measuring a lizard escape path in the Mojave desert
An undergraduate measuring a lizard escape path in the Mojave desert
A spiny lizard (Sceloporus clarkii) from Arizona
A spiny lizard (Sceloporus clarkii) from Arizona
A grass-bush anole (Anolis baharouconencis) from the Dominican Republic
A grass-bush anole (Anolis baharouconencis) from the Dominican Republic
Dixonius gecko from Thailand
Dixonius gecko from Thailand
Head of a Gehyra vorax gecko. Image credit: Sean Werle
Head of a Gehyra vorax gecko. Image credit: Sean Werle
Geckskin™ Does Some Heavy Lifting!
Geckskin™ Does Some Heavy Lifting!
Emma the Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Emma the Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Green anole lizard jumping with tail
Green anole lizard jumping with tail
X-rays of lizards. Image credit: Philip Bergmann
X-rays of lizards. Image credit: Philip Bergmann
Photo of ...Gecko. Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Photo of ...Gecko. Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
A Leptophis snake from the Dominican Republic
A Leptophis snake from the Dominican Republic
X-ray of a watersnake eating a fish
X-ray of a watersnake eating a fish
Gradudate student Chi-Yun Kuo chasing lizards. Image credit: Chi-Yun Kuo
Gradudate student Chi-Yun Kuo chasing lizards. Image credit: Chi-Yun Kuo
A twig anole (Anolis sheplani) from the Dominican Republic
A twig anole (Anolis sheplani) from the Dominican Republic
Photo of Tokay Gecko. Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Photo of Tokay Gecko. Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Duncan Irschick TEDx talk on Geckskin™
Duncan Irschick TEDx talk on Geckskin™
Caribbean Reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Caribbean Reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Abernathy
One-lined gecko (Gecko vittatus). Image credit: Sean Werle
One-lined gecko (Gecko vittatus). Image credit: Sean Werle
Photo of a Tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Photo of a Tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Water moccasin attempting to capture a fish
Water moccasin attempting to capture a fish
Crested gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Crested gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Photo of tiger shark in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Aberbathy
Photo of tiger shark in the Bahamas. Image credit: Jim Aberbathy
Anolis colestinus from the Dominican Republic
Anolis colestinus from the Dominican Republic
A green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) from Louisiana
A green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) from Louisiana
Duncan Irschick catching lizards In Croatia. Image credit: Raoul Van Damme
Duncan Irschick catching lizards In Croatia. Image credit: Raoul Van Damme
An x-ray of an anoline dewlap. Image credit: Beth Brainerd
An x-ray of an anoline dewlap. Image credit: Beth Brainerd
Close-up with a tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). Image credit: Jim Abernathy
Close-up with a tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). Image credit: Jim Abernathy
An illustration of an Uma lizard running
An illustration of an Uma lizard running
Day Gecko (Phelsuma grandis). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Day Gecko (Phelsuma grandis). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Green anole jumping without tail
Green anole jumping without tail
Belly of a lacertid lizard (Lacerta Oxycephela) from Croatia
Belly of a lacertid lizard (Lacerta Oxycephela) from Croatia
A one-lined gecko on glass (Gecko vittatus). Image credit: Sean Werle
A one-lined gecko on glass (Gecko vittatus). Image credit: Sean Werle
Duncan Irschick catching lizards in the Bahamas
Duncan Irschick catching lizards in the Bahamas
A big-headed anole (Anolis cybotes) extending its dewlap
A big-headed anole (Anolis cybotes) extending its dewlap
Crested gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus)
Crested gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus)
An invasive day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) from Florida
An invasive day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) from Florida
A Tidarren spider that has voluntarily removed one of its pedipalps
A Tidarren spider that has voluntarily removed one of its pedipalps
A green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) displaying its dewlap. Image credit: Justin Henningsen
A green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) displaying its dewlap. Image credit: Justin Henningsen
Green anole lizard jumps off diving board
Green anole lizard jumps off diving board
A resting green anole (Anolis carolinensis) from Louisiana
A resting green anole (Anolis carolinensis) from Louisiana
Duncan Irschick working with sharks in Florida. Image credit: Austin Gallagher
Duncan Irschick working with sharks in Florida. Image credit: Austin Gallagher
Photo of a day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) in Florida
Photo of a day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) in Florida
Day Gecko (Phelsuma grandis). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Day Gecko (Phelsuma grandis). Image credit: T. Hoogendyk & A. Slocombe
Mojave Desert. Image credit: Chi-Yun Kuo
Mojave Desert. Image credit: Chi-Yun Kuo
A twig anole (Anolis valencienni) jumping from a force platform. Image credit: Esteban Toro
A twig anole (Anolis valencienni) jumping from a force platform. Image credit: Esteban Toro
Male and female Tidarren spiders. Image credit: Margarita Ramos
Male and female Tidarren spiders. Image credit: Margarita Ramos